Censorship . . .
Does John Fogerty realize that this type of action is happening at his Fogerty Message Forum?
This following discussion thread comes from the approved site that a person links to through John's personal website here ...
Note the complaint of censorship in the discussion below.
Whoever the moderator is that's behind this type of action is very slimy.
This kinda crap is really a form of low-ball control.
John Fogerty
..... > General Discussion
....... > what ever happened to.....
What Ever Happened to Freedom of Speech?
One can only guess that the powers that be don't want any of the background information to get out to the general public about the sudden disappearance of bassist George Hawkins and guitarist extrodinaire Bob Britt . . .
Most times than not, in the music business, it comes down to money . . . honey . . .
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Update: Edited on 02/14/07 . . .
This just in . . .
As pointed out previously, this following post re-enforces what I said about more that just one person behind the scene pulling the strings . . .
This post states that it wasn't the moderator CCR_Fan that scrubbed this member's comments. Apparently it was someone "higher up" ...
John Fogerty
........ > General Discussion
........... > Re: what ever happened to.....
Author Comment crsstiewlkr
Registered Member
Posts: 311
(2/10/07 1:46 pm)Re: what ever happened to.....
I just want to say thanks to those that emailed me privately for your kind words.
I did want to clarify one thing. It was not the moderator that censored my postings I have bene told and I believe the one who told me. It was someone "higher up".
My point still remains because it is still censorship. If someone "higher up" was offended by what I said I welcome a private response and I will gladly reconcile the situation with you. My comments were not meant to offend. They were said out of my passion for the man, his music and the band members from this recent tour that have meant a lot to me personally.
Never attempt to reason with a person who doesn't allow the light of the full sunshine to fall on whatever the truth is . . .
This is just the latest weird happenings around that site... Read on through this blog for additional information.
Night Watchman Said: "How can such a great guy like John Fogerty overlook and never notice a Moderator at his ezBoard"
Night Watchman - I find it very interesting that you follow the forum. And I salute you for taking the time to create your blog. I can only assume that you are probably a posting member. I too find the outright censorship on that forum completely appalling and an absolute contradiction to what John Fogerty is supposed to stand for. I have to say that that in itself causes me to question the “great guy” status that you and others have attributed to him.
If John C. Fogerty was such a “great guy” it seems like his original band would never have come to such a sad and tragic end. Not to mention that he would not have continued to have such a “revolving door” of band members (to use Crsstiewlkr’s term), for his ENTIRE career since CCR.
Let’s see - if he were such a “great guy” he sure as hell wouldn’t have charged his adoring fans $450 per person for the honor of “actually getting to shake his hand and pose for a picture with him.” Especially since apparently many of them traveled many thousands of miles already just to attend his concert.
If he were such a “great guy” he would have put differences aside and played with his old band members at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
If he were such a “great guy” he also would have stuck with his commitment to present an award at the Grammy’s after he DIDN’T win for Eye of The Zombie (I think it was that album).
As for allowing these two important members of his recent band to leave I’m thinking that yes, as much as it is in any business, things probably do come down to money. But there are also times when it’s not about the money (so it must be about something else). When you are playing some of the best music ever created with one of the best bands around (which as a musician that’s what you hope for your entire life), a little money here or there doesn’t mean anything.
Look at these high-paid actors for instance who take the no-paying independent projects – for the project’s sake and probably for the opportunity to work with an incredible team. It’s not about the money. It’s about the pride and the joy and the fun of being able to do what you LOVE with people love. But I tell ya this, they sure as hell wouldn’t do it if everyone working on the project were a-holes. Considering that, I can only speculate that yeah, it might have had to do with money, but I have a hard time believing it didn’t have to do with the probability that maybe John is not really such a “great guy.” I’d take what you said “it comes down to money honey,” and add….it also comes down to being happy with what you’re doing. It just seems that in this instance, 2 + 2 is coming out to 3, not 4.
Besides, why does everyone think John is a “great guy? Just because he wrote some amazing songs that mean so much to all of us?
Why do people on that forum insist on elevating John and his wife to god-status? Give me a friggin’ break. They’re people just like everyone else and apparently they’re obviously greedy. And unfortunately, they’re also the people who just let the best band out there – dis-band (I’m sorry, if I had that band, I’d do WHATEVER it took to keep it together, especially considering the excitement and elevation of the music that those guys helped create over the past few years.) Oh and apparently they’re also people who condone censorship when it serves their purposes. Personally, I seriously question anyone's integrity based on something like that. Especially someone who says he "aint' no fortunate son," and who asked "have you ever seen the rain?" Then how about some humility and understanding - NOT CENSORSHIP.
So sorry, “great guy” I’d have to really question that! I’d have to reserve it to knowing him personally. Because based on his record (not his records) I currently have contention with that.
Thanks for taking the time to lay forth your personal take and observations.
Now ...
To no one in particular and just for general information: If it makes this anonymous person feel any better, if this person returns and takes note, I have elected to go back and edit the words great guy. I have enclosed those words in quotation marks. It now reads:
How can such a "great guy" like John Fogerty . . . (see)
As to the other opinions of this anonymous person, I respect this individual's right to speculate on what this individual has acquired in the way of knowledge that is available as public record, in addition to possibly whatever personal experiences, on which this person has based their opinions.
But I will also point out, I'm not here to debate, discuss, or rummage through all the dirty laundry in the basket of all the usual suspects, including JCF in this 40 year long on-going battle. But by all means, do not take my electing of non-participation in that debate as a form of not allowing anyone and everyone to vent the opinions they wish in thier comments. I'm in the moment. I'm in the- right here and now of life.
So ... The point of this blog is:
To place in the light of sunshine on the actions going on from behind the behind the curtain that the wonderful fans at that forum rarely notice.
The moderation of that site is clearly beginning to show that there is more than one moderator punching the buttons and pulling everyone's strings, so to speak...
Also: I am NOT a "posting member" of the Fogerty Forum.
Thanks for visiting . . . and come again.
Oh... and by the way- always follow the M-O-N-E-Y
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