Censorship . . .
UPDATE! On Saturday, February 10, 2007 the following message was placed in this post at the FFFF blog here (link):
Does John Fogerty realize that this type of action is happening at his Fogerty Message Forum?
This following discussion thread comes from the approved site that a person links to through John's personal website here ...
Note the complaint of censorship in the discussion below.
Whoever the moderator is that's behind this type of action is very slimy.
This kinda crap is really a form of low-ball control.
Since that posting -- An interested party commenting as anonymous took the time to leave a comment (direct to comment link) ...
Here is my reply to this comment from anonymous ...
Thanks for taking the time to lay forth your personal take and observations.
Now ...
To no one in particular and just for general information: If it makes this anonymous person feel any better, if this person returns and takes note, I have elected to go back and edit the words great guy. I have enclosed those words in quotation marks. It now reads:
How can such a "great guy" like John Fogerty . . . (see)
As to the other opinions of this anonymous person, I respect this individual's right to speculate on what this individual has acquired in the way of knowledge that is available as public record, in addition to possibly whatever personal experiences, on which this person has based their opinions.
But I will also point out, I'm not here to debate, discuss, or rummage through all the dirty laundry in the basket of all the usual suspects, including JCF in this 40 year long on-going battle. But by all means, do not take my electing of non-participation in that debate as a form of not allowing anyone and everyone to vent the opinions they wish in thier comments. I'm in the moment. I'm in the- right here and now of life.
So ... The point of this blog is:
To place in the light of sunshine on the actions going on from behind the behind the curtain that the wonderful fans at that forum rarely notice.
The moderation of that site is clearly beginning to show that there is more than one moderator punching the buttons and pulling everyone's strings, so to speak...
Also: I am NOT a "posting member" of the Fogerty Forum.
Thanks for visiting . . . and come again.
Oh... and by the way- always follow the M-O-N-E-Y
That's it for right now . . .
This anonymous reader has come back and is happy to see you felt it appropriate to make the revision.
From your observations of the Forum it seems to me that you must be an intelligent and reasonable person, which is why I made the post on your site. It certainly wasn’t meant to criticize or judge you, but more because you seem to be willing to pose a fair and logical discussion.
I certainly would NEVER be able to post anything of the nature on the Fogerty Forum ( I am a regular poster on the forum, but not in the politics section). Not only would the post be removed by the duplicitous moderator (or more likely, as you’ve pointed out – OTHER higher-ups pushing the delete button), but I’d be BANNED from the forum for questioning the Lord-God John Fogerty; but also because most of the posters there are what I refer to as Fogerty Zealots who could NEVER even consider that John Fogerty is anything other than a “GREAT GUY” or even more. (Even though of course, they know nothing about him personally and yet mostly only consider that anything that has gone wrong in John’s career has been other people’s fault.) I would certainly be lambasted by all of them and frankly, you can’t argue with blind allegiance. It has no logic.
Granted not ALL of the posters on that site are Fogerty Fanatics, and not all of the TRUE fans feel that way either. But when people go on about not wanting to wash their hand because another PERSON on this world “touched it,” or that this person or that person must be an angel and can do no wrong because they took the minute out of their life to oh, shake your hand; or gave you the honor of paying $450 to take a picture with them, well I think we have a clear example of completely unrealistic views of reality.
In all due respect though, Fogerty fans are of course not the only culprits of this kind of blind allegiance. I find it fascinating that people use these blanket compliments for famous people they really know nothing about JUST because they float their boat (whatever that boat might be).
Point of the mater is, we know NOTHING about anyone (be it a perception of good or bad) and to take these kind of blind allegiance stances is both sad and well, ignorant. I don’t suggest that I am better than anyone else because I reserve judgment to be handled by a higher entity of myself. But I will defer to someone who had the right idea - Martin Luther King, when he suggested content of character is what counts. Unless you know someone personally you can’t know their content of character – regardless of who they play on a stage or the songs they write. I just think people need to chill out and consider that musicians, artists, actors and everyone else are JUST people. Human beings who have good days and bad days. Some are a-holes who don’t appear to be, some appear to be and are not.
You, Night Watchman, based on what you write, I like. But I’d have to wash my hands after meeting you – No offense, there are just lots of germs out there!
Absolutely -
And I rarely shake a person's hand. A smile and a smart tap of the cap, should suffice.
Your words convey a deep understanding of the natural human condition.
May you return when you feel the need.
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