. . . but it is apropos on the South Carolinian.
... Maybe ol' NWB is paranoid and protecting his flank?
Or maybe he just doesn't wish for anyone to start laying out what transpired ever since NWB came on board.
The forum member Trona1978 always conducted himself in a very non-confrontational manner. A good guy and very fair and friendly on the board.
The following thread that Trona is commenting in brings forth some of the key elements with the problem(s) that NWB brought to the forum.
And the post by Mud V Nine ... Really pulls the draw-strings tighter on that straight-jacket on NWB . . .
Please Note: I will be adding additional posted comments if they come.
Here is the direct link to "Did They Really Hang Saddam" Page 2 of the thread below:
Registered Member
Posts: 434
(1/5/07 9:05 pm)
Reply Re: Saddam
Edited by: trona1978 at: 1/5/07 10:58 pm
Registered Member
Posts: 1110
(1/5/07 10:12 pm)
Re: Saddam
Quote:Trona, the way you said all that is very confusing... in other words, it's not clear what you mean.
Some of you guys just got done being run over about a million times by Larry The Duck, because he couldn't or wouldn't respect any validity about your viewpoints. The ones who feel he did this to them, they ended up hating that guy worse than anyone else on the forum. Some here feel not only did LTD not agree with their view points, he put folks down for theirs.
It's especially baffling that you would say you never came to the political section much before... but that Duckie ran over some of us "about a million times."
Since you never came here much before, you wouldn't know much about what went on... so... did he tell you that??? (That he ran over some of us about a million times?)
If he did, please ring him up and tell him that he didn't run over anybody.
All he did was paste in a bunch of words here that he wouldn't defend when asked about them.
That's not running over anybody.
That's running away.
Get it?Quote:Doing what... asking him to back up what he says?
You guys doing that to Leon??
Registered Member
Posts: 435
(1/5/07 11:10 pm)
Reply Re: Saddam
Well NWB, I went ahead and deleted that post.
I was just to exhausted and tired when I wrote it, and not on target with it.
Good luck to all you guys and gals over here in the political section.
Trona on the JCF Political Forum
Registered Member
Posts: 1112
(1/5/07 11:42 pm)
Re: Saddam
Well, why did you say...Quote:Just curious.
Some of you guys just got done being run over about a million times by Larry The Duck
And here comes Leon trying to stay on topic . . .
Registered Member
Posts: 1919
(1/6/07 3:05 am)
Reply Re: Saddam
There are many things that engulf my entire being.
The conspiracy stuff is just a very small part of the overall picture.
What was the big hurry in hanging this guy anyway.
Doesn't that sound the alarm that there is a lot more to it than what you guys "want" to beleive.
Let's say the real Saddam really was hanged.
Why the hurry?
Phillrocks stated that if Saddam turned 70 in April they could not hang him because of his age. This common theory is all over however, that does not make it true. The Host of the the Muslim Chronicle CBC radio show stated it was not true in an interview. He also stated that the hanging was done is such an abrupt manner that because other very negative things would come out about the USA and their history of involvement in Iraq such as; the US gave Saddam the means and support to kill all the Kurds. If left to Saddam on his own accord, the Kurds would never have been killed. MORE CONSPIRACY. I don't think so.
I don't know if the above is true or not however it is reasonable because the USA tends to play both sides of the fence all the time mostly for monitary gain. Just listen to EOTZ. IT IS ALL THERE, Plain as day. jcf knows what he is talkin' A bout.
I know you guys don't want to hear about this kind of thing.
I know you think that everyone always blames everything on the USA.
The US public gives their government 'cart blanche' and blindly follows along. THIS IS NO GOOD. A HEALTHY DISRESPECT FOR YOUR GOVERNMENT WOULD MAKE IT A LOT BETTER ALL THE WAY AROUND.
A two headed government with the same process is all you have in the US. The agenda of both parties is self serving, so just blindly follow along until the next major terrorist attack, ... seems to be the only way that you understand, ... too bad it has to be that way. A little more consideration and keeping a watchful eye on your government would avoid and resolve a great man issues, then again, how would the self serving government and their corporate freinds make any money by relsoving and avoiding.
I SAY THEY CAN MAKE 10 TIMES MORE MONEY BY RESOLVING AND AVAOIDING and so can everyone else for that matter, then, the govermnet and the corporation would lose their "control" of its population and "control" is what it is all about now. The money has already been made, so much so that "control" is all that is left.
All I ever want is to state my opinion and nothing more than that.
I certainly can't do anything about all this stuff.
Registered Member
Posts: 1113
(1/6/07 8:56 am)
Re: Saddam
Why the hurry to hang Saddam?
You'll have to ask the Iraqis... they're the ones who tried, convicted, sentenced, and hanged him.
Not the United States of America.
Their laws state that when someone is convicted and sentenced to hang, that sentence has to be carried out within 30 days.
Maybe you're so used to the craptastic way the U.S. justice system keeps convicted criminals on death row for 10 or more years while there is appeal after appeal after appeal.
Maybe you think that is better.Quote:Not everyone... just some.
I know you think that everyone always blames everything on the USA.
Why do you expend so much energy spewing what you think is wrong with the U.S., Leon... a country you don't live in... aren't there enough things wrong with Canada that you could talk about them?
Do you post on any message boards for Canadians and Canadian politics?
Registered Member
Posts: 436
(1/6/07 10:42 am)
Reply Re: Saddam
My impression of Larry The Duck was that SOME of you felt bullied by him. Over a period of time he put up tons of stuff in your faces as proof of his viewpoints, plastered you with pages of material, etc.
You especially NWB:
LTD put your picture up in the General Section, or what he purported was your actual picture. And he said all kinds of stuff to you, negative stuff. You guys were so at odds, it spilled over to the General Forum. It was nasty.
Other Members asked you to take the war back here to the Political section, you said no, and challenged LTD right there on the General Forum, called him out right there.
So yeah...my impression was LTD riled up some folks here in politics land. Just my impression, I could be wrong, and that's why I deleted my post from above.
If I'm wrong about something or not certain, I have no problem retracting what I said. People do make mistakes.
So I'm not going to re-post my other statements.
I'll tell you something NWB, you're not doing a very job convincing me to change my mind on my first impressions though.
I noticed on the " Dixie Chicks Are Back" thread, yesterday, 1/05/06, you pulled that thread back up and took another swipe at LTD, who's last post on that thread was back in JULY, six months ago. And who has now been banned a good month or so.
You asked me why I posted my impression that LTD had run you and some others over a million times. Bad terminology on my part there and poor choice of words which I again retract.
Now I'll ask you if such a thing wasn't the case, why are YOU NWB, so mad at someone who is banned and who you are still taking shots at, even after he's long gone?
Don't tell me it was because he was the artful dodger who didn't back up what he said, which may even be true about him or not. I'm not debating that part.
Tell me a REAL reason you're mad at LTD, which could be because you felt bullied by his tactics and you hated the guy. And maybe you even still hate him or strongly dislike him or else why take swipes and make deraugotory comments about him even after he's gone?
Seems like others are able to let it go and move on, why not you NWB? What's the horn in your gut with LTD?
He must have done something to you NWB and if he did,there ain't a damned thing wrong by admitting it.
Or do you not want the forum to know you felt bullied by anyone here? That could be a simple explanation.
NWB, if that's how you or anyone else in this political section felt from Larry The Duck, I was just commenting not to do that to Leon.
Trona on the JCF Forum.
One more thing....
Leon has his reasons for what he thinks. Leon is my friend because he roots for the underdog, of which I am an underdog and I always be.
The rest of you members who know so much and have all the facts there are in the universe about any given subject, man you guys are lucky. I wish I could be lucky.
How 'bout a little kindness to the rest of us, like Trona and Leon, huh? The ones of us who have our opinions but who could be wrong about what we think.
Part of the problem with this political section, lack of kindness. Dumb Trona for even bringing it up.
It's also what's wrong with Washington , especially during elections.
Trona, out.
Edited by: trona1978 at: 1/6/07 10:44 am
If you'll notice -- Trona even caught the post where NWB attacked in the old old post that I mentioned in the following thread here in this blog . . .
Registered Member
Posts: 1920
(1/6/07 2:45 pm)
Reply Re: Saddam
I do not discuss Canadian Politics with anyone although I am well aware of what is happening in Canadian politics. CANADIAN POLITICS TEND TO STAY IN CANADA FOR THE MOST PART.
It is quite obvious NWB that you are trying to purposfully provoke annymosity for whatever reason or need that you may have. I think it is quite humourous because I've just known you for too long and this is not your natural personality. I've always liked you from way back when. If you think you have to go forward in this manner then fine with me. I know better. Rock on NWB, have your fun, I don't mind because I know better however, I do think that your talents could be more wisely administered for more positive outcomes.
Ya, I think LTD indeed ran over most people a million times and put everyone in their place. He was so effective in doing so that he just got carried away with it all and went a little too far for his own good as far as the political section on this forum is concerned. He'll be back sooner or later. I kind of miss good ol' LTD.
There is just something about email that makes people very brave for some reason. If this stuff was in person, I don't think anyone would say any of these things and I think everyone, in person would get along extremely well. Try to think of email as if you are talking in person. It will work a lot better that way.
rock on Trona
Registered Member
Posts: 437
(1/6/07 2:58 pm)
Reply Re: Saddam
Rock on Leon
Registered Member
Posts: 1922
(1/6/07 3:12 pm)
Reply Re: Saddam
I think ol' Leon pretty much sums it up in his normal straight forward and truthful way...
"Ya, I think LTD indeed ran over most people a million times and put everyone in their place. He was so effective in doing so that he just got carried away with it all and went a little too far for his own good as far as the political section on this forum is concerned."
Nothing I would disagree with there, whatsoever!
And then the funny farm flunky digache has to chime in and whimper with his normal wimpy whine . . .
Registered Member
Posts: 851
(1/7/07 6:40 am)
Reply Re: Saddam
Bullied by LTD? NO! Was he a jerk? Yes. To really understand some of this stuff, you would have to be engaged in the trenches of the discussions and arguments to get an idea of the tactics and hypocrisy of some on the political discussion boards, namely LTD.
Also, I think NWB posted that thread with a comment becasue he found it floating around in cyberspace and was shocked that it stil existed since it was deleted with all the others.
As for Leon, we all like Leon. He just throws out the most conspiratorial view points on a regular basis. SO, he kind of opens himself up for a little ridicule since some of his views are outllandish.
And one cannot help but notice that hot-diggity-dog digache can't keep from protecting the flank of his cohort... NWB!
Poor wittle fella ... someone acting like a jerk to him... toughen up butter-cup!
Now ... back to the thread...
Now here is where the rubber meets the road...
Registered Member
Posts: 1927
(1/7/07 4:51 pm)
Reply Re: Saddam
My views are not outlandish because you say so.
What you say is of no concern to me.
No one should be rideculed for stateing their opinion.
You are provoking bad vibes which is against the rulse.
I will no longer reply to your comments.
MV9 knows exactly what the whole issue of NWB's action have been since coming on board the forum....
Mud V Nine
Registered Member
Posts: 455
(1/7/07 7:18 pm)
Reply Re: Saddam
Quote:Trona, you have no need to retract anything you posted here; once again, you were right on the money. During the short time since NWB returned to the Political forum, he very seldom offered anything more then stick poking in his arch enemy's direction.
I have no problem retracting what I said.
...You asked me why I posted my impression that LTD had run you and some others over a million times.
The rest of you members who know so much and have all the facts there are in the universe about any given subject, man you guys are the lucky ones. I wish I was lucky. -trona on the JCF forum
As you experienced, NWB questions every response on a debate forum, rather then deliver an opposing view. It is much easier to continually ask for proof or for someone’s personal beliefs, rather then formulate a well thought out, intelligent rebuttal.
Larry was subjected to, as Leon in now experiencing, the constant badgering of having to provide “evidence” to support their position to NWB, rather then NWB providing ANY proof that their positions are erroneous; missing the whole premise of the point/counterpoint format of a political forum.
As you will find, several others here will refuse to consider any thinking that is not found in a sound-bite of their favorite political media outlet. Anyone outside that mold is “wrong” even if our “righteous ones” have no more facts then their unfortunate adversary.
Moreover, don’t feel bad Trona, most of us are inflicted with your same problem of not knowing all of the facts of the universe. Unfortunately, one of the two members here that in fact did have an amazing grasp of the diversity of the political waters has now been removed. If you notice, the other one rarely posts here any longer, in my opinion because his challenge is gone. If we could have gone back to the past threads, you would have seen that once the childish attacks of his worthy opponent started, he pretty much lost interest or at least had the decency to not throw a punch while his foe was busy swatting the gnats.
Finally, even though I don’t buy into the 9/11 or Saddam conspiracy theories, I have heard enough to understand why Leon believes what he does. Interestingly enough, I did see the camera phone video of the Saddam hanging and I can tell you that right at the time of the floor dropping out, the camera suddenly moves and you can only hear the happenings, but not see the actual hanging.
Is Saddam still alive? Not in my opinion, but that’s all it is, my opinion…Leon if you believe otherwise, so be it. Until someone can provide undisputable proof that Leon is wrong, your beliefs are no more important or right then his. ROCK ON LEON!!
Registered Member
Posts: 1928
(1/7/07 7:28 pm)
Reply Re: Saddam
British Prime Minister Tony Blair has joined those criticizing the way in which Saddam Hussein was executed, his office said Sunday.
"He believes that the manner of the execution was completely wrong, but that should not lead us to forget the crimes that Saddam Hussein committed, including the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis," a spokeswoman for Blair's office said.
Blair is expected to publicly comment on the execution this week. He has faced increasing pressure to share his views on the execution after his deputy, John Prescott, and his likely successor, Treasury chief Gordon Brown, both criticized the hanging.
Blair declined to answer questions on the matter after returning from a holiday in Florida on Thursday.
A number of world leaders have condemned the Dec. 30 execution proceedings, which were captured on video and made public. The video shows witnesses taunting and insulting Saddam moments before his hanging.
Last week, U.S. President George W. Bush said he wished the execution of Saddam Hussein "had gone in a more dignified way."
Continue Article
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has launched an investigation to learn who leaked the video.
More executions planned
Meanwhile, the executions of two of Saddam's co-defendants will take place some time during the week, the BBC reported.
Saddam's half brother and former intelligence chief Barzan Ibrahim and the former head of Iraq's Revolutionary Court, Awad Hamed al-Bandar, were sentenced to hang.
They were convicted along with Saddam of involvement in the killings of nearly 150 Shias in the town of Dujail after a 1982 assassination attempt there against the dictator.
Government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said the execution orders for the two had been signed, the BBC reported.
"Certainly, the execution orders have been signed and are ready to be implemented," he said.
"There are some technical preparations that need to take place in order to carry out the court's decision."
Talk about writing up conspiracies . . .
How's about a whole lot of revisionist history too.
Here's one that's right up there on the top of shit heap . . .
Registered Member
Posts: 1114
(1/7/07 9:22 pm)
Re: Saddam
Quote:Exactly, Leon... they aren't outlandish because anyone says so.
My views are not outlandish because you say so.
They're outlandish before anyone says anything about them.
Everything's not a conspiracy, Leon. Really, it isn't.
Trona, digache has it right... no one here was run over or bullied by Duckie... he was always too busy backpedalling (running away from simple, direct questions) to be considered a bully.
If he was your hero (or anyone else's) because he posted long pasted diatribes, then refused to engage other forum members when they stated their opinions and asked him to justify his, I hope you have fun with that.
I guess it's the whole underdog thing.
MV9, your memory is very selective... we stated our positions and attempted to engage Duckie in point-counterpoint all the time... but all he did was duck, dodge, and retreat.
But in the end, he couldn't duck, dodge, and retreat from his own deep hypocrisy... he and his little sock puppets Waltane and Sanzo posted my name here, then he got all high and mighty by reviving his thread about U.S. privacy rights and whether our government has the right to do phone taps.
What a crock... he rope-a-doped himself.
Then he apparently got all pissy with the moderator because he couldn't fight his own battles.
Then (IMO) The Mighty Duck... fell on his own sword.
Too embarrassed at his own hypocrisy and stupidity being exposed so clearly, and unable to imagine how he could ever scratch and claw his way back to even a modicum of credibility, it was easier to just attack the moderator until he got banned.
The sad, sad tale of the lame duck becoming the dead duck.
Now remember ... this is how the Duck "....apparently got all pissy with the moderator because he couldn't fight his own battles." Link Here
Following is a copy of the Private Message (PM) verbatim that was sent 12/14/2006 to the Moderator requesting attention:
Seasons Greetings... Is there any way that these posts can be checked to see if the ISPs are the same for both members. And even if they are not, can we have this harassment ended once and for all? Now I'm being made out to be "Sanzo" so Mister NotWalkinBlind can have a reason to make up some off the wall conspiracy that I'm somehow multi-screen personas. I personally think "Sanzo" is actually NWB, or someone who he has put up to it. This has gone onlong enough.
.... AND ....
.... AND ....
In the event you are unable do anything about this, when I go to the dentist, I'll make sure to set up an appointment with the appropriate department head at Concord. They just so happen to be located in the building next door to where the office of our dentist is located on Wilshire Blvd here in LA....
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