. . . fibbing through his "family-values" teeth?
[Guess so ... apparently that was just a normal, expected line of crap about "...missing the Duck."]
Very interesting comment in the Political Discussion folder [yesterday] at the Official John Fogerty message board.
Yes siree Bob-a-rino ... The good ol' boy and Maryland BS artist, Swampy checks in with this line of crap -- that he misses the ol' Duck ... YEAH... SURE!
The Duck's been gone for a full 8 months and the consortium of happy campers from the right-side of the aisle still can't get the Quacker out of there lexicon, let alone what's left of their minds, they contend they once had...
John Fogerty > Politics > Approval polls for congress | |
Well, be it that the ol' Duck's name was brought up, I contacted the Quacker and he sent this reply back related to what he has done since reading the link I sent him.
Apparently the Pond Paddler had already sent a PM to ol' Swamp with the following message.
Swamp-a-lator, Your Faux-Concern Is Touching
Since you're such an upstanding American of the Republican persuasion not to mention a dyed-in-the-wool authoritarian enabler, the only polls you should really concern yourself with is this... This President's job-rating poll is set on a *national level*... What the country as a whole thinks of the Cheney Puppet's job performance... On the other hand: The Congress, although as seen nationally in the polls appearing to be in the dumpster, that national poll has nothing to do with the popularity or unpopularity of the make-up of the congress, or about the true nature of the job that's being accomplished, or not accomplished. Congress is an individual by individual *local level contest*. Each individual representative answers to approximately 693,000 local district residents. That's what counts. So worry your little pea-picking heart all you want about the *national congressional polling numbers*. Those numbers are A BIG RED-HERRING. They ain't got doo-doo to do with nothing WHEN IT COMES TO ELECTION TIME. And, for your general information, considering you're soooo busy, you probably don't even realize that every single seat in the House of Representative's, all 435 plus, 4 delegates and 1 resident commissioner are up for grabs again, this cycle. Yup! Every two-years. Oughta be interesting, Eh? ... Now, if you have the balls, as most real upstanding men do, since you brought up my name in your comment at the Fogerty Forum, you'd at least post this reply verbatim in your next comment over there. It's only fair, don't ya' think? Till then, just keep checking in at Fogerty's Funky Funny Farm. (the health of the children of the nation depend on you) Now the question has to be: Got the balls? "The Duck"
Why do I have this funny feeling that I better not be holding my breath that the Swampy guy will post that "verbatim."
Bingo! Here's the Update
Well well, looky here .... the ol' authoritarian kool-aid drinker couldn't wait to post his highly educated "opinion" in response to the Quacker's PM ...
Of course in the post below he didn't deal with the original point that he was blabbing about that he posted in the thread comment above. Nope just went on his merry Rush Limbaugh impersonation and partisan way of parroting the GOP talking points almost verbatim here. "socialist agenda" ... "despicable" ... "defeatist attitude" ... "doom and gloom rhetoric"...
Right out of the book!
Just more bullshit to make ones own self feel their worth ...
Way to think for yourself as I always say.
John Fogerty > Politics > PM from Larry | |
| |
Yup -- "if not" in '08 ... Yup --"certainly" in '10 ... Yup -- just like the slam dunk in '06!
One thing is sure, like I said, "Oughta be interesting ... Eh?
Dee dum Dee Dum Dee Dum Dee . . .
Flattering? And who the hell initated this thing and posted that comment, "Darn, I miss Larry" ???
Dee dum Dee Dum Dee Dum Dee . . .
Oh, and no better way to get a big opinionated yapper and fear-mongering individual off the porch and away from his beer and cracklins and respond -- than question what's hanging in the old shriveled sack.
Dee dum Dee Dum Dee Dum Dee . . .
This guy Swampy, would have never made it through boot-camp without being eating alive.
Sheesh ... Eight months and still shitting their pants over the Duck.
Amazing . . .
Oh well ... enough of his bullshit. I gotta get ta' driving my big motor home around and around and around . . .
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