Wednesday, December 20, 2006

To Add and Provide Context


. . . and clarification to this issue.

After receiving a warning back in January 2006 that the Duck would be banned - the following message was sent by the Duck as a private message to the moderator (CCR_Fan) of the Official John Fogerty Forum. It is self-explanatory

See: Moderator Message below the Duck's response...

---- Start Private Message ---

January 16, 2006

Dear Moderator:

Let's not begin attempting to make this a capital case. Especially on any trumped up actions you may perceive.

First: I commend you for coming out and at least setting forth some type of guideline.

Secondly: As many know here on the message forum I had changed my personal methods and habits and approach beginning on or about 1/9/2006.

Third: To be on the record here and for my files, and for any actions I deem needed to take in the future:

Even in the face of constant belittlement and unfounded falsehoods and innuendo by a certain individual who recently reappeared on this forum, I repeatedly elected to attempt in a CIVILIZED MANNER to inform that individual that, that individual had every right to start a thread, and or/participate if staying on topic. I did also warn that individual that that individual's actions were abusive and ill-mannered. I also pointed out to that individual that what that individual complained of about my actions had no direct link to speaking to him. My messages are and were between me and the person I address. Some may consider a message board a public space, and it is. But so is a restaurant and/or a bar, but it gives no one the liberty to stick their opinion into a discussion between two others.

When the individual then followed my thread over to the General Discussion side I pointed out the disruptive nature of the abusive and threatening words used in the posts by that individual and told him to stop. At another point: I also posted the Ezboard Terms related to abusive language etc. etc.

I also went so far as to attempt a last ditch effort by using a little humor.

I will admit that in the last couple of days the individual I am speaking about has backed away from directing messages directly at me and has resorted to small side jabs that make no difference to me.

Closing: Again, I thank the moderator for taking the time to explain the steps that may be enforced in the future. Somewhere around here I had written that if you, the moderator elected to remove any posts of mine that you deem necessary, please accept my apology for any inconvenience it may cause you.

---- End private Message ---

The forgoing was in response to the warning of the Moderator and to the following publicly posted message from the Moderator -- and for these files:

John Fogerty
> Political Discussions
> Political Moderation

Author Comment
Posts: 6
(1/15/06 6:31 pm)

Political Moderation

Until a few weeks ago, I've attempted to avoid moderating the political threads - mostly because they have little or nothing to do with the true purpose of the forum...meaning anything having to do with John Fogerty.

The Political portion of the forum was put up at the request of the community and was never intended to be here in the first place.

Unfortunately, this added section of the forum has lately had little to do with intelligent political debate and has devolved into a forum for sniping and flaming.

So, until further notice - ANY THREAD THAT STRAYS FROM HONEST, RESPECTFUL, POLITICAL DISCUSSION WILL BE REMOVED - no matter who's flaming and who's responding. It's gone.

If this fails to make any progress, the political section will be removed.

This section is a privilege, not a right.

If you want to abuse one another, take it to another forum and make it someone else's problem.

In the meantime, if you feel that you are being unfairly attacked - or you feel that the debate becomes too intense - THEN DON'T PARTICIPATE.

Being the moderator means that I've been put in charge of this forum to make sure that it is not abused or that its members are abused.

The moderation is left to my discretion. If you feel you've been treated unfairly by me or anyone else, fine - talk to me about it IN A CIVILIZED MANNER.

But don't use the forum like a gradeschool playground.

There is no single offender. This goes for ALL SIDES of the debate.

You're all adults - act like it.

Thank You -

The Moderator

Edited by: CCR Fan at: 1/15/06 7:01 pm

And when did the Moderator step back into the fray after this?

Try 11 months later, on December 14, 2006, after a full year of allowing NotWalkinBlind to run rough-shod through the forum... culminating in this very unsavory situation here.





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